It's been a while since my last post but that's because there hasn't been much to say. Since then, I came down with the flu in March, for which I got Tamiflu, but that passed without any issues. I also had a sinus infection in May, which went away a bit more quickly than previous infections and without an antibiotic. It would appear now that I'm lactose intolerant since milk hasn't been sitting well with my stomach but I feel fine when I don't drink it. Still no Crohn's issues.
I had my followup at Northwestern last week. I had bloodwork, an MRI, and a colonoscopy for testing, and saw the GI and Dr. Burt. All of the tests showed no signs of active Crohn's. Dr. Burt said that the chimerism may not actually be an overwhelmingly important piece to staying Crohn's-free long term, which may be good news for me since I didn't inherit any of my donors' immune systems. They've had varying degrees of success with transplants since mine, it seems, but I don't know much beyond that. They just need more patients to collect more data to figure it all out.
I won't have another followup until next summer, but I'll try to remember to periodically post updates even if not much has happened.