Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dental Appointment

The dental appointment was to check for anything that might lead to an infection (abscesses), not cavities, and address any other issues I may have had. The assistant took a bunch of x-rays of my teeth, I think I counted 15, and a panoramic x-ray because I haven't had my wisdom teeth removed. The dentist looked at the x-rays and went over my history briefly. She poked around a bit, nothing painful, and said my teeth are in pretty good shape and all looked well. The dentist wasn't positive about whether or not my wisdom teeth should come out before the transplant so she called an oral surgeon in to look. He said it would be best to get them removed after the transplant, after my counts have recovered. Removing them pre-transplant could possibly leave more of a risk if everything hadn't completely healed in time. With that dealt with, the dentist signed off on the clearance form.

After that, I got blood drawn for the chimerism analysis and a few other routine tests that were missed last time. The only things left are a colonoscopy on Monday, and an appointment with the GI, Dr. Craig, on Wednesday. If those go well, I'll be cleared for the transplant and the cords will be sent to the hospital.

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