Friday, December 30, 2011

Day +126

I didn't see a copy of my labs this week yet due to the holidays but Dr. Burt would have called if anything was noteworthy. Flagyl never really helped too much with the symptoms so my GI ordered more cultures to test for C. diff again and some other stuff before trying another antibiotic. I asked Dr. Burt about possibly stopping some of the prophylactic antibiotics since I haven't been on Cyclosporine or Cellcept (the immunosuppressants) for a while now and he said to stop Bactrim and Diflucan. Since stopping those, and finishing the course of Flagyl, I haven't had any nausea or vomiting. I did come down with another cold, though. I had a bit of a sore throat on Tuesday that went away for a bit and came back, then had sneezing and a runny nose by the time I went to bed. I'm taking Mucinex D during the day and Nyquil before bed and they're helping. I felt pretty bad yesterday but considerably better today. The results of the cultures should be ready on Monday or Tuesday so I should be able to start whatever's necessary then.

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