Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day +13

My white blood cells were 0.5 this morning. That means the stem cells have engrafted and everything will begin to recover and heal. They transfused 2 units of red blood cells since my hemoglobin was right around the threshold. No issues with that. The bone pain has gotten worse but that's because my bone marrow is working its hardest right now. It will slow down soon and the pain will be gone within 48 hours. I feel a bit more tired, but I didn't nap as much with everything going on today.

They drew blood again to check my counts after the blood transfusions. My white blood cells were actually up to 1.2, which was high enough to discharge me tonight, but I want to see Dr. Burt in person one more time before I go home so I decided to stay until morning. They took the PICC line out so my arm is completely free now. I already have the discharge paperwork, prescriptions, and flight booked for tomorrow.

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